{ Partners }

We aim to be partners to our clients and candidates, adding to the company's strategy and providing real, flexible and sustainable solutions for talent development.

Team Partners

Eduardo Conde
Senior Partner

Eduardo Conde joined Seeliger y Conde · Kingsley Gate in 1997 as a Partner. He specializes in the Financial and Insurance, Real Estate, Private Equity sectors and, mainly, in the field of Family Business, whether industrial or services.

He developed his professional career in the financial sector for 14 years. He was Director of Private Banking in Catalonia at Banco de Progreso (March Group Business Bank), and later, he joined Caixabank (100% owned by Caixa), where he held the position of Director of Private Banking, being a member of the Steering Committee.

Currently, he is a Member of the Executive Committee of ACG Barcelona, as well as Vice President of Fundación Codespa in Madrid and Catalunya, and member of the UIC Board of Trustees and the Committee of Experts of 65ymás.

Eduardo Conde has a law degree from the University of Barcelona and a PDG from IESE. He is also certified as a Coach by the European School of Coaching.

Family business
Financial and private equity

  ·   Luis Conde  ·   Eduardo Antunovic  ·   Pablo Cavero  ·   Eduardo Conde  ·   Gilles Dregi de Fontcuberta  ·   Marta Garrigues  ·   Eugenio Hernández  ·   Miguel Herrezuelo  ·   José Luis Marcó  ·   Rocío Rivero  ·   Alberto Terrón  ·   Abel Gibert  ·